Events for Counselors
Over the last several years, the quality of students attending USC has risen meteorically.
Not only are test scores soaring, but incoming classes comprise students who are gifted academically,
creatively, and emotionally - many of our students have shown great potential for future success.
We value your role in this process and appreciate the contributions you make to our profession.
We invite you to attend special events designed to introduce you to, or update your knowledge of,
USC's application process, academic and professional programs and financial aid.
High School Counselor Conference
Friday, September 25, 2015
This full-day program will introduce high school counselors, independent counselors and CBOs that serve high school students, to USC's admission and financial aid practices and include: presentations by several of our academic units; tours of campus;
and a luncheon with USC admission, financial aid and academic unit representatives.
Community College Counselor Conference
Friday, November 6, 2015
This full-day program will introduce college counselors, independent counselors and CBOs that serve transfer students, to USC's transfer admission and financial aid practices and include: presentations by several of our academic units; tours of campus; and a luncheon with USC admission, financial aid and academic unit representatives.
Preparing by GradeAPPLY TO USC
First-Year StudentsTransfer Students
Dates and Deadlines